Our policies
WE take what we do serious….
House Of Rainbow CIC, is committed to the emotional and physical well-being of the children and young people who use our services. It is a function of the House Of Rainbow CIC, to safeguard and protect children and young people by ensuring all Directors, workers, staff and volunteers at the organisation understand this duty and are fully supported to meet their responsibilities should action be required. The following guidance has been produced for the use of all staff who are either employed by House Of Rainbow CIC, or work in a voluntary capacity.
Health And Safety
We fully accepts the obligations placed upon it by the various Acts of Parliament covering health and safety. The Company requires its Chief Executive to ensure that the following policy is implemented and to report annually on its effectiveness.
This policy has been prepared and published under the requirements of Health & Safety at Work legislation. The purpose of the policy is to establish general standards for health and safety at work and to distribute responsibility for their achievement to all managers, supervisors, and other employees through the normal line management processes.